Partneriteti i One Hospital dhe Universitetit të Tetovës për të mbështetur ekipin e volejbollit të Universitetit: Takim për të diskutuar planet e së ardhmes

One Hospital and the University of Tetovo recently held their first meeting to discuss a partnership aimed at supporting the university’s volleyball team. This partnership brings together two highly respected institutions, each dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve. The meeting was held to discuss the future plans of this exciting collaboration. One […]

One Hospital dhe K.B Rabotnicki: “Me ne shënoni rezultate të mëdha në shëndet dhe mirëqenie”

One Hospital, një ofrues kryesor i kujdesit shëndetësor në rajon, është bashkuar me fuqinë lokale të basketbollit, Rabotniçki, për të shënuar gola në lojën e shëndetit dhe mirëqenies. Ky partneritet dinamik, i vendosur të lançohet gjatë sezonit të ardhshëm të basketbollit, synon të hedhë rëndësinë e aktivitetit fizik dhe ushqimit të mirë në zemrat dhe mendjet e komunitetit.

One Hospital dhe FC Shkendija me fushatë kreative për muajin e ndërgjegjësimit për shëndetin e meshkujve!

A real MAN takes care of his HEALTH! Tap on pictures below to see our campaign November is men’s health awareness month and we have partnered with FC SHKENDIJA football club to raise awareness and show the importance of preventive examinations. The idea was to create a campaign that would represent doctors and football […]

Sëmundjet që mund të diagnostikohen me laparoskopi gjinekologjike dhe llojet e trajtimeve laparoskopike – Dr. Kosta Vasilevski

Laparoscopy generally has a shorter recovery time than open surgery. Leaves smaller scars. A gynecologist, general surgeon, or another type of specialist can perform this procedure. Gynecological laparoscopy is an alternative to open surgery. Use a laparoscope to look inside the pelvic area. Open surgery often requires a large incision. A laparoscope is a thin, […]

Laparoskopia gjinekologjike është alternativë ndaj operacionit të hapur dhe ul rrezikun e komplikimeve me 80% – Dr. Kosta Vasilevski

Urogynecology, also known as female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, is a subspecialty in obstetrics and gynecology that focuses on treating women with pelvic floor disorders. Disorders of the bottom of the pelvis occur when the muscles that support and hold a woman’s pelvic organs become weak, causing problems with the bladder, intestines, or uterus. […]

Çfarë është Uretrotomia? Dr Artan Rrushaj

Urethrotomy, also known as direct vision internal urethrotomy, is a surgical procedure used to treat urethral stricture disease. It is an outpatient surgery that involves the use of a urethrotome or a surgical knife passed through a cystoscope to widen a narrowed urethra. Urethrotomies are generally performed only in men because urethral strictures in women […]

Çfarë është procedura e cistoskopisë? Si bëhet, kush duhet ta bëjë këtë procedurë dhe më shumë! Dr. Artan Rrushaj (Specialist në Urologji dhe Kirurgji Urologjike)

Your doctor will use cystoscopy to examine the inside of your bladder and urethra. The bladder stores urine until it is expelled from the body through the urethra. A urologist, or specialist in the urinary tract, performs a cystoscopy. For the procedure, your doctor uses a cystoscope, a lighted tube the size of a pencil […]

5 simptoma të dështimit të veshkave për të parë mjekun tuaj! – Dr.Arben Asani

Your kidneys are like the technical crew from the latest “Avengers” movie. They may not be the flashy superheroes, but without their unsung work, you don’t have a blockbuster. Your kidneys have the thankless but critical job of getting rid of waste and extra fluid. Plus, they keep your organs working. When kidneys aren’t doing […]

Si mund të ndikojë kripa në presionin e gjakut dhe në veshkat? - Dr. Arben Asani

Modifying your salt intake can affect your health and longevity When you think about blood pressure, your kidneys may not come to mind. But when these bean-shaped organs sustain damage or are thrown off balance — perhaps by heavy salt intake — both your blood pressure and your heart may feel the repercussions. Your kidneys […]