Çfarë është Laparoskopia dhe sa kohë duhet për t'u rikuperuar plotësisht! – Dr Kosta Vasilevski

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed with a special instrument laparoscope through 4 small incisions in the abdomen (2 cm each). It can be diagnostic and therapeutic. It is performed under general anesthesia. It is used as a diagnostic method for visualization of the internal reproductive organs or as a therapeutic it […]
Çfarë është Histeroskopia dhe indikacionet e saj! – Dr Kosta Vasilevski

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive short-term surgical procedure that allows examination of the inside of the uterus for the purpose of diagnosing and treating changes inside the uterus such as polyps, fibroids, and septum. of changes in the interior of the uterus. It is recommended for women who are treating infertility. Indications: Discovering the causes […]
Prolapsi gjenital (ulja e mitrës) – ky operacion kryhet në Evropën Juglindore vetëm në ONE HOSPITAL! – Dr Kosta Vasilevski

Genital prolapse (lowering of the uterus) Genital prolapse is the descent of the external reproductive organs and the uterus. It most often occurs in older patients, but it can also occur in younger ones. The treatment of genital prolapse in our hospital is done with the method of sacropection or sacrocolopexy. It includes hysterectomy (removal […]
Metoda e lehtësimit të dhimbjes me prerje cezariane - Anestezi spinale e kombinuar me ate epidurale - Prim. Dr. Vladimir Ristevski

Prim. Dr. Vladimir Ristevski gives instructions and everything you have to know about Epidural and Spinal anesthesia. Epidural and Spinal anesthesia which provides regional stiffness during cesarean section is the preferred method because of the comfort it provides. However, when used in conjunction with spinal anesthesia, the comfort it provides to the mother is further […]
Prim. Dr. Vladimir Ristevski

Testet e skriningut prenatal të tremujorit të dytë - Dr. Katerina Stankova

Most second-trimester ultrasounds, or “level 2” ultrasounds, are done between 18–20 weeks to examine the baby’s anatomy and confirm that the baby is developing normally. Women with high-risk pregnancies may have multiple ultrasounds in their second trimester. Glucose screening: This test checks for gestational diabetes, a short-term form of diabetes that develops in some women […]
Çfarë do të thotë HPV? Kush mund të infektohet me këtë virus dhe si? Si vërtetohet?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that is transmitted through sexual intercourse with sexually active people. There are more than 150 species, one-third of which cause genital infections. HPV most commonly causes cervical cancer in women but can also cause cancer of the mouth, throat, anus, and in men cancer of the penis. […]
Kanceri Ovarian: simptomat, shenjat, shkaqet dhe trajtimi

Ovarian cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that form in them. Cells multiply rapidly and can penetrate and destroy healthy tissue. The female reproductive system contains two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries – each the size of an almond – produce eggs, as well as the hormones estrogen and […]
Konsulent - Dr. Katerina Stankova

Gjinekologji dhe Obstetrikë
Sa shpesh duhet të bëjë ekzaminim të zorrës së trashë? Llojet e analizave për zorrën e trashë!

When you turn 40, it is good to check your health and your lifestyle. Some of your habits may have been good and healthy by now, but most of us do not live the healthiest lifestyle. Your doctor may have a very good reason to recommend a colonoscopy even if you are under 40 because colorectal […]