Д-р Драган Стошиќ

Суб специјалист за абдоминална и дигестивна хирургија


  • JULY 1997 – SUB-SPECIALIZATION IN DIGESTIVE SURGERY, MEDICAL, SKOPJE FACULTYSuccessfully passed subspecialist exam with the highest rating.
  • JUNE 1985 – SPECIALIZATION IN GENERAL SURGERY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE SKOPJE, Successfully passed the specialist exam with the highest rating.
  • DECEMBER 1980 – INTERNSHIP, FACULTY OF MEDICINE, SKOPJE, Mandatory internship from one year for yes everything lay down state exam for acquisition with a license for work as how doctor.
  • NOVEMBER 1979 – DOCTOR OF MEDICINE, FACULTY OF MEDICINE SKOPJE, Graduation with the highest rating.

Работно искуство

  • 2020 – ЈУЛИ 2022 ХИРУРГ И МЕДИЦИНСКИ ДИРЕКТОР, PZU EUROITALIA, – Хирург по општа и дигестивна хирургија, медицински директор кој ги координира и организира медицинските активности во болницата и медицинскиот персонал подразбира и комуникација на повисоко ниво со сопственикот на болницата. Дневните активности подразбираат преглед на пациентите, организација и распоред на операции, изведба и набљудување на операциите и планирање и управување со медицинските ресурси.
  • 2019 – 2020 SURGEON, PHU NEUROMEDICIA – Surgeons after general and digestive surgery where coordinate and organize daily activities in the department it also implies communication at the senior level with managers from the others separate in the hospital. Daily activities imply a review of patients, organization and scheduling on operations, performance, and monitoring of operations.
  • 2010 – 2018 – HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT, PHI GOB SEPTEMBER 8 – Manager in the department for digestive surgery where them coordinate and organize daily activities on the department what it also implies communication on the senior level with managers from the others separate in the hospital. Daily activities imply organization and appointment on operations, selection on the operational ones teams, performance and observation on operations , day visa on patients, training and mentoring on trainees who everything they decided for specialization in digestive surgery.
  • 2010 – 2017 – CHAIRMAN OF THE MANAGEMENT BOARD, PHI GOB SEPTEMBER 8 – A part from the first managed board on the hospital after his transformation from a military hospital to the city general hospital. Weekly and monthly meetings on who everything decides for politics and the best practice in a relationship between the hospital and the staff.
  • 2009 – 2010 – HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, MILITARY HOSPITAL – Manager on grade for abdominal and colorectal surgery. Performance operations, mentoring, and supervision of younger colleagues and organization on the job in the department.
  • 2005 – 2009 – HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, MILITARY HOSPITAL – Manager of the department for digestive surgery where everything worries for performance on operations and organization on the whole work on the department.
  • 1997 – 2005 – SUB-SPECIALIST IN DIGESTIVE SURGERY, MILITARY HOSPITAL – Visits, operations, care for patients, organization on the terms for operations, schedule on operational occupations and personnel.
  • 1992 – 1997 – HEAD OF DEPARTMENT, MILITARY HOSPITAL – Manager on the ward for hepatobiliary surgery in the newly opened department for digestive surgery. Operations, visit post-operative concern for patients and organization on the work on the department.
  • 1985 – 1992 – HOSPITAL DOCTOR, MILITARY HOSPITAL – After successfully completing my specialization after digestive surgery, employment as how hospital doctor in The department for general surgery The military hospital in Skopje. Visit, administrative works, assistance in operations as well as independent operations.
  • 1981 – 1985 – GENERAL PHYSICIAN, MILITARY HOSPITAL – First employment general practitioner after successfully finishing on one-year seniority and passing on state exam for acquisition with license.

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