Partneriteti i One Hospital dhe Universitetit të Tetovës për të mbështetur ekipin e volejbollit të Universitetit: Takim për të diskutuar planet e së ardhmes

One Hospital and the University of Tetovo recently held their first meeting to discuss a partnership aimed at supporting the university’s volleyball team. This partnership brings together two highly respected institutions, each dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve. The meeting was held to discuss the future plans of this exciting collaboration. One […]
One Hospital dhe K.B Rabotnicki: “Me ne shënoni rezultate të mëdha në shëndet dhe mirëqenie”

One Hospital, një ofrues kryesor i kujdesit shëndetësor në rajon, është bashkuar me fuqinë lokale të basketbollit, Rabotniçki, për të shënuar gola në lojën e shëndetit dhe mirëqenies. Ky partneritet dinamik, i vendosur të lançohet gjatë sezonit të ardhshëm të basketbollit, synon të hedhë rëndësinë e aktivitetit fizik dhe ushqimit të mirë në zemrat dhe mendjet e komunitetit.
One Hospital dhe FC Shkendija me fushatë kreative për muajin e ndërgjegjësimit për shëndetin e meshkujve!

A real MAN takes care of his HEALTH! Tap on pictures below to see our campaign November is men’s health awareness month and we have partnered with FC SHKENDIJA football club to raise awareness and show the importance of preventive examinations. The idea was to create a campaign that would represent doctors and football […]
Tiroiditi Hashimoto, sëmundja imunologjike e trashëguar! - Dr. Ksenija Bogoeva Kostovska

It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system inadequately affects the thyroid tissue. This condition is believed to have a genetic basis. Hashimoto’s is 5 to 10 times more common in women than in men. People with this disease may have other autoimmune diseases such as pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency) or […]
Nëse për ndonjë gjendje ia vlen të ndryshoni dietën për të parë rezultate - atëherë ajo gjendje është diabeti! – Dr. Ksenija Bogoeva Kostovska

Diabetes and prediabetic condition The difference is in the overall approach to diet and physical activity. The old-fashioned approach to diabetes recommended lowering sugar intake, counting calories and bread units, limited portions and calorie restrictions. Fortunately, there is a new approach. A predominantly plant-based, low-fat diet is ideal for diabetics. In fact, in a 2006 […]
DIABETI GESTATIK – Dr. Ksenia Bogoeva Kostovska

Gestational diabetes is an increase in blood sugar levels that occurs for the first time in pregnancy. Most pregnant women with gestational diabetes do not have any noticeable signs and symptoms of the disease. That is why almost all pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes in the period from the 24th to the […]
Cilat janë shkaqet e funksionit të dëmtuar të gjëndrës tiroide?

The reasons for its change can be numerous, but none can be confirmed with certainty. It can be caused by: genetic causes, autoimmune damage, pregnancy, accumulated stress, nutritional deficiencies, or toxic environmental substances. Here are some signs and symptoms of hypo and hyperthyroidism, which in combination undoubtedly indicate a thyroid problem: • 1. Your menstrual […]