Партнерство на One Hospital и Универзитетот во Тетово за поддршка на одбојкарскиот тим на Универзитетот: состанок на кој се разговараше за идните планови
One Hospital and the University of Tetovo recently held their first meeting to discuss a partnership aimed at supporting the university’s volleyball team. This partnership brings together two highly respected institutions, each dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve. The meeting was held to discuss the future plans of this exciting collaboration. One […]
Оне Хоспитал и К.К Работнички: "Со заеднички сили до високи резулати во здравје и благосостојба"
One Hospital, врвен давател на здравствена заштита во регионот, се здружи со локалната кошаркарска моќ, Работнички, за да постигне голем резултат во играта на здравје и благосостојба. Ова динамично партнерство, кое треба да се појави во текот на претстојната кошаркарска сезона, има за цел да ја забие важноста на физичката активност и добрата исхрана во срцата и умовите на заедницата.
One Hospital и ФК Шкендија со креативна кампања за месецот за подигање на свеста за машкото здравје!
A real MAN takes care of his HEALTH! https://onehospital.mk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ezgif-2-17cd70ef69.mp4 Tap on pictures below to see our campaign November is men’s health awareness month and we have partnered with FC SHKENDIJA football club to raise awareness and show the importance of preventive examinations. The idea was to create a campaign that would represent doctors and football […]
Do not wait for your heart to scream for attention! – Prim. Dr. Agim Zeqiri
Every year, cardiovascular diseases are the cause of 17.9 million cases of premature death, while by 2030, it is expected that 23.6 million people will die from these diseases. These are the figures projected by the World Health Organization (WHO), in which case it is expected that CVD will become the main cause of death […]
Д-р Агим ми го спаси животот!
Dr. Agimi saved my life – these are the words of our patient who was treated at Prim. Dr. Agim Zeqiri – Cardiologist. The patient’s gratitude for the doctor’s work and dedication is the greatest reward and praise for him. We exist for you! watch video
Промени во крвниот притисок или промени во работата на срцето – Прим. д-р Агим Зеќири
Промените во крвниот притисок или промените во работата на срцето и импулсите може да се следат преку холтер за крвен притисок и ЕКГ холтер. Резултатите како и препораката за употреба на овие апарати треба да бидат исклучиво од доктор специјалист по кардиологија.
Здравото срце е клучно за целокупното добро здравје – д-р Агим Зеќири
A healthy heart is central to overall good health. Embracing a healthy lifestyle at any age can prevent heart disease and lower your risk for a heart attack or stroke. You are never too old or too young to begin taking care of your heart. Choosing healthier foods and exercising are two of the best […]
Причини да закажете посета на кардиолог! – д-р Агим Зеќири
Your primary care physician has referred you to a cardiologist. Maybe your family doctor spots a red flag during your exam and wants to have your heart checked a little more closely. Or it could be that your personal or family history warrants an exam by a physician who focuses on the heart. High Blood […]
Кога е време за посета на кардиолог - Д-р Агим Зеќири
If you have any of these symptoms or risk factors, it could be time to see a cardiologist. You experience chest pain. Chest pain is one of the hallmark signs of a heart problem. While there are other causes of chest pain that are not related to the heart, chest pressure that occurs or worsens […]
Проблеми со срцето, кога треба да закажете преглед?
Sometimes heart problems occur earlier than you expect. Stress, pregnancy, family predisposition can be the cause of rising tension. Timely consultation with a doctor, regular blood pressure measurements, ECG, and the echo of the heart are some of the things you should do and most importantly – follow the advice and therapy given by your […]