КФ Шкендија и Оне Хоспитал ја продолжија соработката за следните две години.
SHKENDIJA AND ONE HOSPITAL EXTEND THE COOPERATION! Shkëndija Football Club is pleased to announce the continuation of cooperation with one of the best hospitals in the region, ONE Hospital. The partnership started in 2019, with the new contract will bind the parties for the next two years (until 2024) and ONE Hospital remains […]
One Hospital и Никола Штејн (Средно медицинско училиште) потпишаа договор за соработка!
На наша голема чест и задоволство денеска потпишавме договор за соработка со средното медицинско училиште „Никола Штајн“ – Тетово. Студентите можат да вежбаат во нашата болница и да учат од нашиот медицински тим, се разбира со согласност и претходно одобрение од нашите пациенти.
One Hospital и ФК Шкендија со креативна кампања за месецот за подигање на свеста за машкото здравје!
A real MAN takes care of his HEALTH! https://onehospital.mk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ezgif-2-17cd70ef69.mp4 Tap on pictures below to see our campaign November is men’s health awareness month and we have partnered with FC SHKENDIJA football club to raise awareness and show the importance of preventive examinations. The idea was to create a campaign that would represent doctors and football […]
КАКО СЕ ЛЕКУВА ФИБРОАДЕНОМ? – проф.д-р Зоран Спировски
HOW IS FIBROADENOM TREATED? – Prof. Dr. Zoran Spirovski Most fibroadenomas do not need to be treated. However, they should be monitored at regular intervals to monitor certain parameters that indicate whether changes have occurred. However, surgical removal may be necessary, especially in cases where the fibroadenoma tumor causes the breast to enlarge or change […]
Do not wait for your heart to scream for attention! – Prim. Dr. Agim Zeqiri
Every year, cardiovascular diseases are the cause of 17.9 million cases of premature death, while by 2030, it is expected that 23.6 million people will die from these diseases. These are the figures projected by the World Health Organization (WHO), in which case it is expected that CVD will become the main cause of death […]
How Frequent Is Hemorrhoids Disease? What Are the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids? How Is Hemorrhoids Treated?
How Frequent Is Hemorrhoids Disease? Half of the people over the age of forty consult a physician with complaints of hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. What Triggers hemorrhoids? The incidence of the disease increases after the age of thirties due to reasons such as the increasing consumption of ready-to-eat foods in dietary habits […]
Што е ХИСТЕРОСКОПИЈА? Како се прави хистероскопија? Кога е најдобро да се направи хистероскопија?
What is hysteroscopy? Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic intervention method that initially examines the inside of the uterus using an optical telescope called a hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy is used for diagnostic purposes and as a surgical method to treat certain conditions. Why is hysteroscopy needed? Hysteroscopy allows the gynecologist to examine the inside of the uterus in […]
Првата болница во полошкиот регион и во југозападниот регион на РЕПУБЛИКА СЕВЕРНА МАКЕДОНИЈА која врши лапароскопска хистеректомија!
The first hospital in the Polog region and in the southwestern region of Veir Macedonia to perform laparoscopic hysterectomy! One Hospital is the only and the first hospital in the Polog region to perform this type of operation using the most modern technology. Laparoscopy generally has a shorter recovery time than open surgery. Leaves smaller […]
Операција со модерна технологија во 21 век, кои операции се прават најчесто? – Д-р Петре Кодовски (Специјалист по општа хирургија)
Surgery is a branch of clinical medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases and injuries in an operative manner. The name “surgery” comes from the Greek word “Chirurgia”, which means hand and work, which literally explains the need for a precise, skillful, and experienced surgical hand for a successful operation. In order for the […]
Тато и мама заедно во породилно!
Dad and mom are together in the hall 🙂 There are brave fathers who want to attend childbirth and replace the uncertainty with the direct support of the mother in the gym. That’s okay and we allow and enable it, you just need to inform us in advance about that desire, do certain tests that […]