Cili është dallimi mes gurëve të tëmthit dhe gurëve në veshka? – Dr. Arben Asani
They’re usually just a few millimeters in size, but they can be oh-so-painful. We’re talking about stones — gallbladder stones (or gallstones) and kidney stones, that is. They form in different systems of the body, but they’re similar in many ways. For example, both gallstones and kidney stones are common and can exist inside your […]
Prolapsi gjenital (ulja e mitrës) – ky operacion kryhet në Evropën Juglindore vetëm në ONE HOSPITAL! – Dr Kosta Vasilevski
Genital prolapse (lowering of the uterus) Genital prolapse is the descent of the external reproductive organs and the uterus. It most often occurs in older patients, but it can also occur in younger ones. The treatment of genital prolapse in our hospital is done with the method of sacropection or sacrocolopexy. It includes hysterectomy (removal […]
Dr. Kosta Vasileski ka kryer operacionin e një gruaje 54-vjeçare për shkak të mosmbajtjes së stresit urinar me metodën MINI-SLING.
In the gynecological and obstetric department at One Hospital, in addition to natural childbirth and caesarean section, surgeries on the genitourinary tract are also performed.Our team performed surgery on a 54-year-old woman due to urinary stress incontinence with the MINI-SLING method.Urinary stress incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine due to weakness of the urethral […]
10 shenja që tregojnë dëmtim të mundshëm të veshkave - Dr. Arben Asani
1. You feel more tired than before, have less energy, or have problems concentrating. Decreased kidney function can lead to the accumulation of toxins and impurities in the blood. This can make people feel tired, weak and make it harder to concentrate. Another complication of kidney disease is anemia, which can cause weakness and fatigue. […]