Д-р Јусуф Вејсели користеше гастроскопија како интервентна метода бидејќи моравме да го извадиме ноктот од стомакот на нашиот пациент.

Gastroscopy as a diagnostic method is used to visualize changes in the upper digestive tract.In our case today, we used gastroscopy as an intervention method because we had to remove the nail from our patient’s stomach.Dr. Jusuf Vejseli and our anesthesiologist Dr. Tase Spirovski, visualized and successfully removed the nail out of the stomach, without […]

Д-р Коста Василески изврши операција на 54-годишна жена поради уринарна стресна инконтиненција со методот MINI-SLING.

In the gynecological and obstetric department at One Hospital, in addition to natural childbirth and caesarean section, surgeries on the genitourinary tract are also performed.Our team performed surgery on a 54-year-old woman due to urinary stress incontinence with the MINI-SLING method.Urinary stress incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine due to weakness of the urethral […]

Пренатален скрининг тестови од втор триместар - Д-р Катерина Станкова

Most second-trimester ultrasounds, or “level 2” ultrasounds, are done between 18–20 weeks to examine the baby’s anatomy and confirm that the baby is developing normally. Women with high-risk pregnancies may have multiple ultrasounds in their second trimester. Glucose screening: This test checks for gestational diabetes, a short-term form of diabetes that develops in some women […]