How the fetus develops during the months of pregnancy – Dr. Gordana Kiproska

How the fetus develops during the months of pregnancy

Week 4: The fetus develops the face-neck structure. This is also the moment of development of the heart, blood vessels lungs, stomach & liver.

Week 8: Eyelids, ears are formed & the tip of the nose can be seen. The arms & legs are already formed and the toes begin to develop. This is the time for the first ultrasound – Ultrasound to diagnose pregnancy

Week 12: The fetus begins the first movements. The doctor can hear the baby’s heartbeat. The fetal genitals begin to become clear.  Nuclear Translucency Ultrasound / NT Ultrasound Recommended for Diagnosis of Down Syndrome (week 11-14)

Week16: The heart and blood vessels are fully formed. Fingerprints are also created.

Week 20: This is the period when the fetus is most active. At week 20 the exact sex of the fetus can be determined. Second level ultrasound / Fetal Morphology is recommended (week 20 -24)

Week 24: The inner ear is fully developed and as a result the baby manages to understand the direction of placement in the uterus. It’s time for Doppler Ultrasound (24-40 weeks)

Week 28: It is the month that also marks the largest number of premature births with high chances of baby survival.

Week 32: The baby’s skin may have wrinkles as a layer of fat builds up beneath it. From this period until birth, the fetus receives half of the birth weight.

Week 36: The brain develops rapidly and the lungs are almost fully developed. In this month the fetus is positioned down in the pelvis ready for birth.


The date of birth is calculated using the first day of the last menstrual period. Based on this information, pregnancy can last from 38 to 42 weeks.

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