Genital Prolapse (lowering of the uterus) – this operation is performed in Southeast Europe only in ONE HOSPITAL! – Dr. Kosta Vasileski

Genital prolapse (lowering of the uterus)

Genital prolapse is the descent of the external reproductive organs and the uterus. It most often occurs in older patients, but it can also occur in younger ones. The treatment of genital prolapse in our hospital is done with the method of sacropection or sacrocolopexy. It includes hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, which usually does not remove the cervix but can also to be removed, depending on the gynecological examination and placement of nets (polypropylene) and their fixation on the spine. have the problem of uterine prolapse and the discomfort that patients have and thus return to the normal life of patients


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