DIABETI GESTATIK – Dr. Ksenia Bogoeva Kostovska

Gestational diabetes is an increase in blood sugar levels that occurs for the first time in pregnancy. Most pregnant women with gestational diabetes do not have any noticeable signs and symptoms of the disease. That is why almost all pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes in the period from the 24th to the […]
Gjithçka që duhet të dini për nivelet e sheqerit në gjak dhe si të parandaloni diabetin! – Dr. Ksenija Bogoeva Kostovska

What blood sugar levels are normal? Normal blood sugar or glycemic values range from 4.5 to 5.6 mmol / l on an empty stomach from capillary blood and at two hours after a meal 7.8 mmol / l at most 8.0 mmol / l. Higher values, especially if repeated over several measurements, are usually a […]