Importance of Ultrasound during Pregnancy – Dr. Gordana Kiproska

Most children are born healthy, but in the meantime, about 1-2 in 100 children are born with obvious structural abnormalities. It is precisely the ultrasound examination by which we can diagnose about 70% of serious abnormalities and 40% of minor abnormalities. Ultrasound also provides information on fetal development, placenta position, and general information about the […]
A healthy heart is central to overall good health – Dr. Agim Zeqiri

A healthy heart is central to overall good health. Embracing a healthy lifestyle at any age can prevent heart disease and lower your risk for a heart attack or stroke. You are never too old or too young to begin taking care of your heart. Choosing healthier foods and exercising are two of the best […]
If for any condition it is worth changing the diet to see results – then that condition is diabetes! – Dr. Ksenija Bogoeva Kostovska

Diabetes and prediabetic condition The difference is in the overall approach to diet and physical activity. The old-fashioned approach to diabetes recommended lowering sugar intake, counting calories and bread units, limited portions and calorie restrictions. Fortunately, there is a new approach. A predominantly plant-based, low-fat diet is ideal for diabetics. In fact, in a 2006 […]
What is Laparoscopy and how long it takes to be fully recovered! – Dr. Kosta Vasilevski

Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed with a special instrument laparoscope through 4 small incisions in the abdomen (2 cm each). It can be diagnostic and therapeutic. It is performed under general anesthesia. It is used as a diagnostic method for visualization of the internal reproductive organs or as a therapeutic it […]
What is Hysteroscopy and its indications! – Dr. Kosta Vasilevski

Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive short-term surgical procedure that allows examination of the inside of the uterus for the purpose of diagnosing and treating changes inside the uterus such as polyps, fibroids, and septum. of changes in the interior of the uterus. It is recommended for women who are treating infertility. Indications: Discovering the causes […]
Genital Prolapse (lowering of the uterus) – this operation is performed in Southeast Europe only in ONE HOSPITAL! – Dr. Kosta Vasileski

Genital prolapse (lowering of the uterus) Genital prolapse is the descent of the external reproductive organs and the uterus. It most often occurs in older patients, but it can also occur in younger ones. The treatment of genital prolapse in our hospital is done with the method of sacropection or sacrocolopexy. It includes hysterectomy (removal […]
Dr. Kosta Vasileski performed surgery on a 54-year-old woman due to urinary stress incontinence with the MINI-SLING method.

In the gynecological and obstetric department at One Hospital, in addition to natural childbirth and caesarean section, surgeries on the genitourinary tract are also performed.Our team performed surgery on a 54-year-old woman due to urinary stress incontinence with the MINI-SLING method.Urinary stress incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine due to weakness of the urethral […]
Reasons to Schedule a Visit With a Cardiologist! – Dr. Agim Zeqiri

Your primary care physician has referred you to a cardiologist. Maybe your family doctor spots a red flag during your exam and wants to have your heart checked a little more closely. Or it could be that your personal or family history warrants an exam by a physician who focuses on the heart. High Blood […]
When It’s Time to See a Cardiologist? – Dr. Agim Zeqiri

If you have any of these symptoms or risk factors, it could be time to see a cardiologist. You experience chest pain. Chest pain is one of the hallmark signs of a heart problem. While there are other causes of chest pain that are not related to the heart, chest pressure that occurs or worsens […]
What does HPV mean? Who and how can be infected with this virus? How you can prove it?

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that is transmitted through sexual intercourse with sexually active people. There are more than 150 species, one-third of which cause genital infections. HPV most commonly causes cervical cancer in women but can also cause cancer of the mouth, throat, anus, and in men cancer of the penis. […]