Бесплатни ЈОГА сесии за време на бременост со Мајлинда Шабани! – One Hospital
Prenatal yoga can be a great way to prepare for childbirth. Find out if this type of prenatal exercise is right for you. If you’re pregnant and looking for ways to relax or stay fit, you might be considering prenatal yoga. But did you know that prenatal yoga might also help you prepare for labor […]
Пост-Ковид-19 здравствена проверка! Зошто да размислам за такви анализи?
Why should I consider a Post Covid-19 Screen? It is not yet clear exactly how each person’s body reacts to Covid-19. Your Immune System is made up of a complex set of systems that work together to protect your body from a wide variety of infections. The Covid-19 virus is now known to affect many […]
Што е уринарниот тракт? Кои се симптомите на ИНФЕКЦИЈА НА УРИНАРНИОТ ТРАКТ? – д-р Арбен Асани
What is the urinary tract? The urinary system (also called the “urinary tract”) is the part of your body that makes urine. It is made up of two kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. How is urine made? Your kidneys make urine by removing wastes and extra water from your blood. The urine […]
5 симптоми на бубрежна инсуфициенција за кои треба да се обратите кај вашиот лекар! – Д-р Арбен Асани
Your kidneys are like the technical crew from the latest “Avengers” movie. They may not be the flashy superheroes, but without their unsung work, you don’t have a blockbuster. Your kidneys have the thankless but critical job of getting rid of waste and extra fluid. Plus, they keep your organs working. When kidneys aren’t doing […]
Како солта може да влијае на Вашиот крвен притисок и на бубрезите? - д-р Арбен Асани
Modifying your salt intake can affect your health and longevity When you think about blood pressure, your kidneys may not come to mind. But when these bean-shaped organs sustain damage or are thrown off balance — perhaps by heavy salt intake — both your blood pressure and your heart may feel the repercussions. Your kidneys […]
Која е разликата помеѓу камчиња во жолчното кесе и бубрезите? – д-р Арбен Асани
They’re usually just a few millimeters in size, but they can be oh-so-painful. We’re talking about stones — gallbladder stones (or gallstones) and kidney stones, that is. They form in different systems of the body, but they’re similar in many ways. For example, both gallstones and kidney stones are common and can exist inside your […]
Здравото срце е клучно за целокупното добро здравје – д-р Агим Зеќири
A healthy heart is central to overall good health. Embracing a healthy lifestyle at any age can prevent heart disease and lower your risk for a heart attack or stroke. You are never too old or too young to begin taking care of your heart. Choosing healthier foods and exercising are two of the best […]
Здравствените ризици од прекумерната тежина за децата можеби се поголеми отколку што се мислеше! – д-р Фитим Реџепи
Weight gain in CHILDREN must not be ignored! More or less, we are all aware that obesity is a problem from a health aspect, but it is also reflected negatively in sociological, psychological terms, etc. Therefore, a serious approach is needed, ie never to underestimate the existing problem, as is often the case in reality. […]
Ако за која било состојба вреди да се промени начинот на исхрана за да се видат резултати - тогаш таа состојба е дијабетес! – д-р Ксенија Богоева Костовска
Diabetes and prediabetic condition The difference is in the overall approach to diet and physical activity. The old-fashioned approach to diabetes recommended lowering sugar intake, counting calories and bread units, limited portions and calorie restrictions. Fortunately, there is a new approach. A predominantly plant-based, low-fat diet is ideal for diabetics. In fact, in a 2006 […]
Што е лапароскопија и колку време е потребно за целосно закрепнување! – Д-р Коста Василевски
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that is performed with a special instrument laparoscope through 4 small incisions in the abdomen (2 cm each). It can be diagnostic and therapeutic. It is performed under general anesthesia. It is used as a diagnostic method for visualization of the internal reproductive organs or as a therapeutic it […]