„Придобивките од лапароскопската хирургија: минимално инвазивна процедура во ONE HOSPITAL – Тетово“

In Tetovo, there is one distinguished hospital that boasts a team of highly skilled experts in laparoscopic surgery. These specialists have undergone extensive training and possess a wealth of experience in performing a wide range of laparoscopic procedures. Patients in Tetovo can confidently turn to this hospital for the benefits of minimally invasive surgery and […]
Партнерство на One Hospital и Универзитетот во Тетово за поддршка на одбојкарскиот тим на Универзитетот: состанок на кој се разговараше за идните планови

One Hospital and the University of Tetovo recently held their first meeting to discuss a partnership aimed at supporting the university’s volleyball team. This partnership brings together two highly respected institutions, each dedicated to improving the lives of those they serve. The meeting was held to discuss the future plans of this exciting collaboration. One […]
Оне Хоспитал и К.К Работнички: "Со заеднички сили до високи резулати во здравје и благосостојба"

One Hospital, врвен давател на здравствена заштита во регионот, се здружи со локалната кошаркарска моќ, Работнички, за да постигне голем резултат во играта на здравје и благосостојба. Ова динамично партнерство, кое треба да се појави во текот на претстојната кошаркарска сезона, има за цел да ја забие важноста на физичката активност и добрата исхрана во срцата и умовите на заедницата.
Rhinoplasty Procedure – Prim. Dr. Lazo Noveski

Rhinoplasty is surgery that changes the shape of the nose. The motivation for rhinoplasty may be to change the appearance of the nose, improve breathing or both. The upper portion of the structure of the nose is bone, and the lower portion is cartilage. Rhinoplasty can change bone, cartilage, skin or all three. Talk with […]
Breast Lift (Mastopexy) – Prim. Dr. Lazo Noveski

A breast lift (or mastopexy), is a surgical procedure performed on women who have sagging breasts due to pregnancy, significant weight loss, or genetics. The procedure involves: Elevating the breast tissue to a higher position on the chest wall Repositioning the nipple-areolar area Tightening the skin The procedure can involve the use of a breast […]
Face Lifting, who can do it and when? – Prim. Dr. Lazo Noveski

A face-lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to create a younger look on the face. The procedure can reduce sagging skin. It can also help smooth folds of skin on the cheeks and jawline. A face-lift is also called a rhytidectomy. During a face-lift, a flap of skin on each side of the face is […]
Otoplasty Procedure, everything you should know! – Prim. Dr. Lazo Noveski

Otoplasty — also known as cosmetic ear surgery — is a procedure to change the shape, position or size of the ears. You might choose to have otoplasty if you’re bothered by how far your ears stick out from your head. You might also consider otoplasty if your ear or ears are misshapen due to […]
What is Liposuction and why it is important? – Prim. Dr. Lazo Noveski

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, or neck. Liposuction also shapes (contours) these areas. Other names for liposuction include lipoplasty and body contouring. Liposuction isn’t typically considered an overall weight-loss method or a weight-loss […]
КАКО СЕ ЛЕКУВА ФИБРОАДЕНОМ? – проф.д-р Зоран Спировски

HOW IS FIBROADENOM TREATED? – Prof. Dr. Zoran Spirovski Most fibroadenomas do not need to be treated. However, they should be monitored at regular intervals to monitor certain parameters that indicate whether changes have occurred. However, surgical removal may be necessary, especially in cases where the fibroadenoma tumor causes the breast to enlarge or change […]
How Frequent Is Hemorrhoids Disease? What Are the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids? How Is Hemorrhoids Treated?

How Frequent Is Hemorrhoids Disease? Half of the people over the age of forty consult a physician with complaints of hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. What Triggers hemorrhoids? The incidence of the disease increases after the age of thirties due to reasons such as the increasing consumption of ready-to-eat foods in dietary habits […]