The development of medicine has greatly increased the chances of maintaining health, delaying the onset of illness, and the success of treatment. Systematic reviews give a complete insight into the state of our body and serve to prevent and timely detect health problems and diseases. Preventing an illness is always better and cheaper than curing it later.
Preventive health examinations of employees are actually preventive medical examinations that examine the health status of patients in order to determine general and specific work ability as well as counter indications for work in the given workplace. Also identify occupational disease, occupational rehabilitation and proposed measures to promote workplace health.
Due to the wide range of diseases that can be prevented by regular annual examinations, they should be continued throughout life. We are pleased to take care of our clients’ health. After years of experience, trends in health and disease prevention, with the recommendation of our doctors, we have adapted our packages to get the best service possible.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: [email protected] or +389 (0) 44 344 414
To schedule an examination, click here

Preventive health examinations under the Law on Occupational Safety and Health
Previous examinations
It is carried out before starting work in a workplace where there is an increased risk of injury or illness due to the presence of certain hazards (before employment, when stopping work for longer than 12 months at an increased risk, moving to another job, or identifying a new high risk job).
Systematic examinations
This is an examination that is performed on all employees who work in jobs without increased risk, with the aim of protecting and promoting health and preserving work ability. Systematic examinations are performed at a period of 24 months.
The examinations are performed at One Hospital premises, with mobile teams and on-site throughout the Republic of North Macedonia.
The examinations are carried out by a highly qualified team of doctors and nurses, and the final opinion on workability is provided by a specialist in occupational medicine.
Periodic examinations
It is performed on workers who are at the workplace with an increased risk of illness or injury, where the harm and danger of the workplace cannot be eliminated by collective and personal protective measures, in order to monitor their health and assess their ability. They are performed at specific time intervals. These examinations determine whether the employee has experienced a change in health status that would be a contraindication to further work, and whether it is a result of the present hazards at the workplace. During the periodic examinations additional examinations are made depending on the requirements of the workplace, and if necessary other specialists are included (when working at height, working in noisy environment, etc.)
Targeted examinations
Managerial examination
Fatigue, exhaustion, high daily expectations? A constant race against time? Frequent stressful situations? Excessive care, fear, sadness, anger….? Insomnia or sleep disorder? Heartburn, dizziness, forgetfulness….?
Stop for a moment, act preventively – choose between basic and additional managerial screening and specialist investigations to detect signs of managerial illness (heart and stroke), immune decline (chronic inflammation, malignancies), and psychotic disorders (burn out syndrome)
Occupational rehabilitation
Health promotion
The goals are numerous, including:
Creating a health promotion team in the company, with systematic tasks in the area of informing, educating and motivating employees for health protection,
Improving working conditions and work processes,
Detecting/recording harm and ergonomic mismatches in the workplace and the workplace, their elimination, etc…
The occupational medicine specialist organizes lectures and workshops on healthy lifestyles. Based on surveys, he/she produces a report analyzing and interpreting company disease statistics (by diagnosis, duration, frequency and days lost). Together with his/her team, the occupational medicine specialist will analyze and interpret the results of the previous year’s preventive health examinations. Together with his/her health promotion team, the occupational medicine specialist reviews and evaluates the success of measures taken to preserve health in the workplace.
Benefits and advantages of health promotion
Reduced absenteeism
Higher motivation
Greater efficiency, productivity and satisfaction
Loyalty to the company
Better relations between workers and management
Positive working atmosphere
Better image
Smaller number of dismissals (lower turnover)
Benefits and advantages for the employee
Higher confidence and self-awareness
Better physical and mental health
Satisfaction and social security in the workplace
Increased affiliation with the company
Better quality in doing the job
Better relationships with colleagues
Positive effects of the health promotion program
Reduce heart disease and blood vessel disease
Higher life energy
Reduced use of alcohol and psychoactive substances
Higher mental readiness to work
Reduced Tobacco Use (smoking cessation)
Increased physical activity
Weight loss….
Employee First Aid Training
Labor physiology (Functional diagnostics)
Risk analysis and health assessment in the workplace