Причини да закажете посета на кардиолог! – д-р Агим Зеќири
Your primary care physician has referred you to a cardiologist. Maybe your family doctor spots a red flag during your exam and wants to have your heart checked a little more closely. Or it could be that your personal or family history warrants an exam by a physician who focuses on the heart. High Blood […]
Кога да се обратам до лекар за колено за да ми ја лечи болката – д-р Александра Димова
It may be time to visit an orthopedic doctor if you experience any of the following, especially after an incident like an injury following athletics: Redness, warmth, and tenderness in the knee Significant swelling Severe pain Inability to bear weight on the affected leg Fever Physical deformity in the area Chronic knee pain that is […]