
The Triglav Group is an insurance company with a high reputation and trust of the population. It has existed on the Macedonian market for more than 45 years and is a leader in the payment of damages on the non-life insurance market. Our partnership offers the opportunity to work with this group and use their […]

The health of the team of the football club Shkendija is entrusted to our doctors. They have complete-specific examinations for the health condition, form, and readiness before the beginning of each season, they are provided at each match by our professional team and any change in their health is detected in a timely manner. They […]
Halkbank Insurance

Halk Insurance is a socially responsible company that takes constant care of its employees and customers. They have been successfully operating with steady growth since 2007 on the Macedonian market and we as their partners support their initiative in investing in their own security and stability in this period of uncertainty. Partnering with them enables […]

Уште од самиот почеток на отварањето на нашата болница One Hospital, HALKBANK е нашиот партнер и партнер на нашите вработени. Кога поддршката е взаемна тогаш партнерството е неизбежно.

Member of GRAWE Group.Еуролинк осигурување е компанија за неживотно осигурување формирана 2002 година. Бидејќи се наши партнери, ние стоиме позади нивната визија за иднината на секој поединец и нудиме можност за користење на нивните услуги и бенефити од страна на нашите вработени и пациенти.

Diet is a very important part of human health. KIPPER markets are a successful and large chain of markets spread throughout the country, and the health of their employees is entrusted to our hospital. Timely implementation of systematic examinations and first aid training are part of our partnership agreement. The right recommendations for maintaining health […]