Гинеколошката лапароскопија е алтернатива на отворената операција и го намалува ризикот од компликации за 80% – д-р Коста Василевски

Urogynecology, also known as female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery, is a subspecialty in obstetrics and gynecology that focuses on treating women with pelvic floor disorders. Disorders of the bottom of the pelvis occur when the muscles that support and hold a woman’s pelvic organs become weak, causing problems with the bladder, intestines, or uterus. […]
Што е уретротомија? д-р Артан Рушај

Urethrotomy, also known as direct vision internal urethrotomy, is a surgical procedure used to treat urethral stricture disease. It is an outpatient surgery that involves the use of a urethrotome or a surgical knife passed through a cystoscope to widen a narrowed urethra. Urethrotomies are generally performed only in men because urethral strictures in women […]
Што е процедура за цистоскопија? Како се прави тоа, кој треба да ја направи оваа постапка и многу повеќе! Д-р Артан Рушај (Специјалист по урологија и уролошка хирургија)

Your doctor will use cystoscopy to examine the inside of your bladder and urethra. The bladder stores urine until it is expelled from the body through the urethra. A urologist, or specialist in the urinary tract, performs a cystoscopy. For the procedure, your doctor uses a cystoscope, a lighted tube the size of a pencil […]
Хашимото тироидитис, наследна имунолошка болест! - Д-р Ксенија Богоева Костовска

It is an autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system inadequately affects the thyroid tissue. This condition is believed to have a genetic basis. Hashimoto’s is 5 to 10 times more common in women than in men. People with this disease may have other autoimmune diseases such as pernicious anemia (vitamin B12 deficiency) or […]
Is Low Blood Pressure Dangerous During Pregnancy? – Dr. Gordana Kiproska

It is not uncommon for pregnant women to have low blood pressure. This is because the blood circulation is disturbed and hormonal changes cause the blood vessels to dilate, leading to a drop in blood pressure. Changes that occur in your body during pregnancy can affect your blood pressure. The lowest blood pressure level in […]
Важноста на ултразвукот за време на бременоста – д-р Гордана Кипроска

Most children are born healthy, but in the meantime, about 1-2 in 100 children are born with obvious structural abnormalities. It is precisely the ultrasound examination by which we can diagnose about 70% of serious abnormalities and 40% of minor abnormalities. Ultrasound also provides information on fetal development, placenta position, and general information about the […]
Како се развива плодот во месеците од бременоста – д-р Гордана Кипроска

Како се развива плодот во месеците од бременоста – д-р Гордана Кипроска
Овој март го славиме женското здравје!

This month, the best March 8th gift you can give your spouse, mother, sister or grandmother is to take care of her health. Give a voucher for a promotional March package for women’s health and make an appointment on their behalf on our phone numbers 044 344 414 and 078 822 777. Only health matters!
Најдобриот подарок за 8 март што можете да го дадете е да се грижите за нејзиното здравје!

March is an association of women, the fight for women’s rights and equality in society, and for us women and women’s health are of utmost importance, which is why this month we created a promotional package to monitor women’s health. Welcome and make an appointment for the promotional March package on the following telephone numbers […]
Пост-Ковид-19 здравствена проверка! Зошто да размислам за такви анализи?

Why should I consider a Post Covid-19 Screen? It is not yet clear exactly how each person’s body reacts to Covid-19. Your Immune System is made up of a complex set of systems that work together to protect your body from a wide variety of infections. The Covid-19 virus is now known to affect many […]