Do not wait for your heart to scream for attention! – Prim. Dr. Agim Zeqiri

Every year, cardiovascular diseases are the cause of 17.9 million cases of premature death, while by 2030, it is expected that 23.6 million people will die from these diseases. These are the figures projected by the World Health Organization (WHO), in which case it is expected that CVD will become the main cause of death […]

Што е ХИСТЕРОСКОПИЈА? Како се прави хистероскопија? Кога е најдобро да се направи хистероскопија?

What is hysteroscopy? Hysteroscopy is a diagnostic intervention method that initially examines the inside of the uterus using an optical telescope called a hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy is used for diagnostic purposes and as a surgical method to treat certain conditions. Why is hysteroscopy needed? Hysteroscopy allows the gynecologist to examine the inside of the uterus in […]

Првата болница во полошкиот регион и во југозападниот регион на РЕПУБЛИКА СЕВЕРНА МАКЕДОНИЈА која врши лапароскопска хистеректомија!

The first hospital in the Polog region and in the southwestern region of Veir Macedonia to perform laparoscopic hysterectomy! One Hospital is the only and the first hospital in the Polog region to perform this type of operation using the most modern technology. Laparoscopy generally has a shorter recovery time than open surgery. Leaves smaller […]

Операција со модерна технологија во 21 век, кои операции се прават најчесто? – Д-р Петре Кодовски (Специјалист по општа хирургија)

Surgery is a branch of clinical medicine that deals with the treatment of diseases and injuries in an operative manner. The name “surgery” comes from the Greek word “Chirurgia”, which means hand and work, which literally explains the need for a precise, skillful, and experienced surgical hand for a successful operation. In order for the […]

Тато и мама заедно во породилно!

Dad and mom are together in the hall🙂There are brave fathers who want to attend childbirth and replace the uncertainty with the direct support of the mother in the gym. That’s okay and we allow and enable it, you just need to inform us in advance about that desire, do certain tests that […]

Д-р Агим ми го спаси животот!

Dr. Agimi saved my life – these are the words of our patient who was treated at Prim. Dr. Agim Zeqiri – Cardiologist. The patient’s gratitude for the doctor’s work and dedication is the greatest reward and praise for him. We exist for you! watch video

Болести кои може да се дијагностицираат со гинеколошка лапароскопија и видови на лапароскопски третмани – д-р Коста Василевски

Laparoscopy generally has a shorter recovery time than open surgery. Leaves smaller scars. A gynecologist, general surgeon, or another type of specialist can perform this procedure. Gynecological laparoscopy is an alternative to open surgery. Use a laparoscope to look inside the pelvic area. Open surgery often requires a large incision. A laparoscope is a thin, […]

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