Што се липоми, ризик фактори, симптоми, третман и дали можете да го спречите?! – Д-р Петре Кодовски
A lipoma is a fatty tumor located just below the skin. It isn’t cancer and is usually harmless. A lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that’s most often situated between your skin and the underlying muscle layer. A lipoma, which feels doughy and usually isn’t tender, moves readily with slight finger pressure. Causes and Risk Factors […]
Се што треба да знаете за белење на заби! - Д-р Ермина Ејупи
What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening is one of the most popular procedures in aesthetic dentistry, which removes various discoloration from the tooth surfaces, making the teeth whiter. Every person has a desire for a healthy and attractive appearance. A popular and widespread method is teeth whitening. Teeth can be painted yellow, greenish, gray, brown, […]
ГЕСТАТИСКИ ДИЈАБЕТЕС - Др. Ксенија Богоева Костовска
Gestational diabetes is an increase in blood sugar levels that occurs for the first time in pregnancy. Most pregnant women with gestational diabetes do not have any noticeable signs and symptoms of the disease. That is why almost all pregnant women should be screened for gestational diabetes in the period from the 24th to the […]
ЕКТОПИЧНА БРЕМЕНОСТ – Симптоми, знаци, дијагноза и третман – Д-р Ирена Гошева (ВИДЕО)
ECTOPIC PREGNANCY – When the blastocyst is implanted elsewhere than normal in the uterine cavity. All women of childbearing potential are pregnant until proven otherwise and it is always ectopic until it is proven to be an intrauterine pregnancy. Symptoms: – It can be asymptomatic, it is not sure about the date of the last […]
Интервју со Др. Билијана Божиновска - Здравје на Дојки
When to do routine checks? How is breast cancer diagnosed? Could there be a normal life after breast cancer? And you have many other questions in the full interview: WATCH HERE
Што е ПЕТ КТ, дали е штетен, како се прави и многу други прашања? Д-р Билјана Божиновска одговара на вашите прашања за ПЕТ КТ!
Are there any potential side effects from PET / CT SCAN? There are no side effects from PET scan recording. Just make sure you drink plenty of water and consult your doctor if you have any concerns. Are there alternatives to PET / CT scan? There are tests that can be done, but none […]
Сè што треба да знаете за нивото на шеќер во крвта и како да го спречите дијабетесот! – Д-р Ксенија Богоева Костовска
What blood sugar levels are normal? Normal blood sugar or glycemic values range from 4.5 to 5.6 mmol / l on an empty stomach from capillary blood and at two hours after a meal 7.8 mmol / l at most 8.0 mmol / l. Higher values, especially if repeated over several measurements, are usually a […]
Prevention: – Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of breast cancer by as much as a third. – Regular examinations with a papillary, ultrasonographic examination at 1 year, starting from adolescence. – Mammography is mandatory every other year, starting from the 40s. If a change in the breast is detected, do: – Magnetic resonance […]
Проблеми со срцето, кога треба да закажете преглед?
Sometimes heart problems occur earlier than you expect. Stress, pregnancy, family predisposition can be the cause of rising tension. Timely consultation with a doctor, regular blood pressure measurements, ECG, and the echo of the heart are some of the things you should do and most importantly – follow the advice and therapy given by your […]
One Hospital Moms - Сè што треба да знаете за бременоста
Po e fillojmë me ligjeratat të cilat do të organizohen me tema të ndryshme për shtatzanët dhe foshnjat. Në eventin e parë i kemi 2 profesionist me pervojë shumë vjeçare në fushën e Gjinekologjisë dhe Obstetrikës, Prim. Dr. Mendu Jegeni nga spitali jonë dhe mysafir Dr. Arian Alili. Moderatore e eventeve do të jetë, gazetarja […]