Заедно во борба против рак на дојка - Д-р Билјана Божиновска
Breast cancer is treatable, and early diagnosis helps in a good result in the treatment of cancer. Make an appointment with a 50% discount for a breast echo. Dr. Biljana Bozinovska with over 20 years of experience in the field of radiology performs examinations for the diagnosis of breast cancer. Make an appointment: 044 344 […]
Што значи ХПВ ? Кој може да се инфицира и како со овој вирус? Како се докажува?
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection that is transmitted through sexual intercourse with sexually active people. There are more than 150 species, one-third of which cause genital infections. HPV most commonly causes cervical cancer in women but can also cause cancer of the mouth, throat, anus, and in men cancer of the penis. […]
Прим. Д-р Агим Зеќири
Др. Сеаре Салмани
Гинекологија и Акушерство
Др. Коста Василевски
Гинекологија и Акушерство
Карцином на овариуми: симптоми, знаци, причини и третман
Ovarian cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that form in them. Cells multiply rapidly and can penetrate and destroy healthy tissue. The female reproductive system contains two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus. The ovaries – each the size of an almond – produce eggs, as well as the hormones estrogen and […]
Mутации на Spike Protein на OMICRON и DELTA сој - КОВИД 19
Dear citizens and associates, The appearance of the new Botswana SARS CoV variant, Omicron strain on November 24, 2021, has been described as the most feared strain of the virus known to experts so far and is an intriguing phenomenon for research, especially by molecular biologists, virologists and other professional staff. The new strain systematized […]
Консулент - Д-р Катерина Станкова
Гинекологија и Акушерство
3 причини поради кои луѓето над 40 годишна возраст треба да направат КОЛОНОСКОПИЈА
Colorectal cancer is a common type of cancer in our population. Many patients who have never had a colonoscopy as screening for colon cancer are often diagnosed with a severe stage. Primarily because they feel that they are unlikely to have cancer, or they decide to have the examination only when the abnormal abdominal pain […]
Колку често треба да направам преглед на дебелото црево? Видови тестови за дебелото црево!
When you turn 40, it is good to check your health and your lifestyle. Some of your habits may have been good and healthy by now, but most of us do not live the healthiest lifestyle. Your doctor may have a very good reason to recommend a colonoscopy even if you are under 40 because colorectal […]